Saturday, July 20, 2013

Build Your Own Fairy House Class

Joy Ciaffoni is offering a Build Your Own Fairy House Class. The class is offered in two sessions, two hours each. The first session, you build your house. Then, it needs to be fired. The second session, you glaze the house, and it's fired again. You can come pick it up when it's ready. The class is being offered at two times:

Tuesday July 30 and August 6, 4:00-6:00 pm

Wednesday July 24 and 31, 10:00 am to noon.

The class will be held at the Franklin Art Center, Room 126.

The cost is $40. Class size is very limited, so sign up right away. Please email Joy at

Can you imagine what your fairy house will look like?
Millie and Willie want you to come build houses with Joy!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Primo Art Spa has a Home!

Big News from the Primo Art Spa. We closed on a house last Wednesday in the North Brainerd area. Joy will be doing her music classes there. Mary will still teach out of her home in Baxter. Together, we will do small group classes at the Art Spa house, and off site, for larger events. Pottery classes will be held at the Pottery Room in the Franklin Arts Building.

We are excited to be the hub for creative people and their offerings in our area and beyond. Contact us to find out more, or get on our emailing list.
We're here to get things moving!